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Dating at the Baby Show


Despite having two kids, it was my first time at the Baby Show last week. I wanted to look around and ultimately get an idea about whether it would be worth me exhibiting there at some point (as it's pretty expensive). I also decided to target a few of the successful small businesses there where I might be able to speak to founders and get some advice! Networking isn't my forte, but I decided to approach it like dating and just have a brief chat with them with no expectation of a second date! All of the founders I spoke to were also mums so it felt like we already had something in common and all of them were so lovely and gave me loads of great advice. Here's a few of the amazing companies I spoke to:

Fed up of exercising in your husband's old t-shirt? Why not try this range of stylish, supportive and colourful activewear, with each piece designed to see you through pregnancy, breastfeeding and years beyond. I love how this brand partners with For the Creators to resell old activewear that customers send in. 

Hot Tea Mama

Award winning teas to support women's wellness - they have a great range of teas for pregnancy and breastfeeding with names like 'Milk's up' and 'The final push'. These women really know their tea!

Hot Tea Mama at the Baby Show
An online boutique shop offering reusable nappies, toys and much much more for the modern eco parent. I was really interested to speak to these lovely ladies to find out if they've seen an increase in interest in cloth nappies as people become more concerned about sustainability. 
Confidence-boosting activewear for pregnancy, nursing and beyond. This range of activewear is all about empowering you to continue exercising throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. 
Here's to a potential second date with some of these great companies!

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