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5 eco and baby-safe cleaning tips


When you have a baby or toddler around, keeping your home clean and free of harmful chemicals is a priority, especially when they are always putting things in their mouths! However, many shop bought cleaning products are not safe for surfaces your baby is likely to touch, and let's face it they are going to touch everything. So how can you keep your home clean and protect your little one at the same time?

Below we will talk about some great eco-friendly cleaning tips that are safe and effective at keeping your home clean while also being baby-friendly.

1. Make your own cleaning products

Making your own cleaning products can be easy and inexpensive and many items needed are already in your home. Bicarbonate soda is effective in deodorising carpets, and bedding and with the addition of white vinegar can be used to spot clean stains on furniture and also leave your sink sparkling. Lemons are also a great tool to have around the house. A cut lemon can cut through grease on a cooker hob or you can bake sliced lemon with hot water in your oven, which will make it easier to wipe it clean.

Make your own cleaning products

2. Choose eco-friendly cleaning products

If you are unable to make your own cleaning products or need something a little stronger then choose eco-friendly cleaning products. Choose wisely and read the labels carefully. Look for products that state they are baby safe and avoid products with harmful ammonia, bleach, and phosphates. Many eco-friendly products use plant-based ingredients and are biodegradable, making them safe for both your baby and the environment.

3. Choose reusable cleaning tools

Many disposable cleaning products such as paper towels, cleaning wipes, and sponges are single-use items that have to be disposed of after use. Choose cleaning products that are eco-friendly and biodegradable or can be washed and reused. Cotton-washcloths and bamboo cleaning brushes and sponges can be washed and reused, limiting the amount of waste that goes to landfill and saving you money.

Reusable cleaning tools

4. Clean reachable surfaces regularly

As your baby begins to explore there will be many surfaces that become reachable which will need to be cleaned regularly. Keep dust at bay by wiping down surfaces with damp clothes with a squeeze of lemon. Make sure that highchairs, table tops, and food prep areas are kept clean with a 50-50 vinegar and water solution. White vinegar is an excellent antibacterial product and with a squeeze of lemon can be a powerful yet safe cleaner you can use around children. Don't forget to clean your floors as this is the area where your baby will spend most of their time, especially if they are crawling. Keep floors clean with a steam mop to kill germs and bacteria.

5. Use the power of the sun

Direct sunlight is an effective way to help remove stubborn stains and ultraviolet rays also kill bacteria. If your baby’s cot mattress has stains, leaving it in direct sunlight for a few hours can diminish stains that are hard to clean. The same is true for cloth nappies where staining has occurred even after washing. If you don't have outside space then simply hanging clothes, nappies, or mattresses in direct light by a window will also have the same effect.

Final thoughts

Keeping your home clean and safe for your baby doesn't have to involve lots of chemicals. There are many ways you can keep your home fresh while keeping it safe for your baby. By choosing eco-friendly cleaning products or opting to make your own you will be able to keep your home clean and reduce harmful bacteria.

Small changes around your home can help to keep you and your family healthy and create a healthy home environment for your baby.

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