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How To Get Fit With a Baby


After having a baby getting back in shape is something many mums strive to do. However, exercise is often added to the end of a very long list of things you now need to do as a new mum. Fitting in exercise around a baby’s schedule is not easy. 

Although there are many mummy and baby fitness classes available such as yoga and pilates, finding time to keep to a consistent exercise schedule can be challenging. Gym memberships are expensive and who has the time or the childcare to go daily? 

So we have compiled a list of fun and easy ways to exercise with a baby that don’t involve signing up for a class schedule. These exercises can be incorporated into your daily routine and are free or cheap. 

A note before you get started

Before you start any new exercise regime after giving birth, ensure that you have been given the go-ahead by your doctor. Most healthcare professionals advise waiting at least 6 weeks before returning to exercise after birth, which could be longer if you had complications giving birth. Check with your doctor that you are clear to return to exercise and ease yourself in slowly. 

Keep it short

Short bursts of cardio exercise can be more effective than long periods at the gym. If your baby can nap or be occupied in a bouncer for 20 minutes you can easily fit in an online cardio exercise routine. There are many great short exercises available on YouTube and if your baby is awake and needing attention you can hold them while you do squats or incorporate them into a yoga session. 

Join your local 5K ParkRun 

Running in the park

ParkRun is a community event that takes place every Saturday morning, throughout the UK. Each ParkRun route is different, but all follow a 5K looped route, and it is free to take part. All you have to do is register on their website, and babies in prams and children are more than welcome to join in. The run is designed to be inclusive to everyone, so you are welcome to walk, run, or jog the route. 

A walk can do wonders

Walking can be a great form of exercise and you can easily include it in your day with your baby. Head to your nearest park and utilise the weight of the pram to do laps around the park. Power walking will also get your heart rate up and you can challenge yourself to do quicker laps. 

Taking a stroll around the park with your baby in a baby carrier is also a great form of exercise and will be fun for your baby too. 

Take advantage of early starts

Life with a newborn or a young baby will inevitably involve getting up early, likely before the sun rises. If your baby is waking you up for early morning feeds, take advantage of this headstart to the day by squeezing in an exercise either in your living room or just a jog around the block. Take your baby with you or make your exercise part of your baby’s entertainment, they will love watching you jump around. 

Make exercise part of your day

If you are unable to set aside time to complete an exercise class incorporate small movements into your day-to-day life. Gently jog on the spot while you wait for a bottle to warm up or do squats while holding your baby. While your baby is doing some tummy time is a great time to do some yoga next to them, or put on some fun music and move and dance around your living room. Small bursts of exercise will help ease you back into getting fit. 

yoga at home

Whether you are doing extra walks around the park or signing up for a 5K, any form of exercise will be great for your mind and your body. If you are eager to get back in shape then utilise nap times and any free time you have in the evenings, however, be gentle on your body and ease into any new exercise schedule slowly. Before you know it you will start to feel fitter, healthier, and happier.

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