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The customer is the hero


This week I've been thinking about the fact that the customer is the hero. People don't really care about Borro or how amazing the company is, they want to know how it's going to help them, which is fair enough!

Sometimes I think we're so involved in our businesses we think they're the hero - the star of the show. But the whole reason we exist is to make life easier for parents, so of course they should be the heroes!

This has really been embedded for me this week as I've spoken to three of our amazing customers who were all so generous to give up their time to talk to me. I had such lovely conversations with three amazing mums who are trying to do the best for the planet and their babies. It made me so unbelievably happy to think that Borro has helped them, even in a small way. As well as making me super chuffed, it reminded me that we exist to make parents the heroes and we need to make them feel like that. 

Mum holding sleeping baby

I always think this poor mum looks likes she needs a break - she's a hero!

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